EP:111 - Feedback

1 year ago

On this Episode of Luke Who’s Talking I’m going to talk about, Feedback, Croissants and Swingers.

Let’s talk about feedback for a brief moment. I got some and I’ll cover the topics brought up in said feedback to start off the show. I most definitely could of worded that better or in a more expansive way, but I didn’t, so lets move on.

As you all will be aware of, I’m a bit of a ‘cyclist’ and recently after a ride myself and the group went for a coffee (as we tend to do) someone had their coffee and they also had a croissant, THEN they did something unbelievable, they dunked their croissant into their coffee, I’ve never seen or heard of someone doing this before. Have you ever done this, let me know if you have.

SWINGERS, one thing I was not expecting to be touched on in a Podcast, yet here we are. I was listening to a Football (Soccer) Podcast recently and the host, almost out of nowhere said that he and their wife signed up to a ‘swingers site’ after having a ‘cheeky’ wine one evening. WHAT!

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"Cheery Monday", "Samba Stings" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/

Newsreel Studios 2021